External link
  • A new tab opens with CultBooking link(when clicking on Book Now)
  • Fully responsive and mobile optimized
  • 100% recommended and supported integration
  • Easy and fast to install
Java Script
  • User remains on the hotel’s URL address (no redirection)
  • Fully responsive and mobile optimized
  • 100% recommended and supported integration
  • Medium level development expertise needed

CultBooking WordPress Plugin

How to use the plugin in a WordPress website?


We suggest to install from WP Admin page.


After installing and activating the plugin we can integrate the plugin using WordPress Shortcodes.

The basic WordPress Shortcode to use is [CultBooking]

Inserting the [CultBooking] Shortcode anywhere in posts or pages will embed the CultBooking calendar.


There are four parameters to customize the appearance of the calendar: View, Calendar, Top and Height.

1. View Type

fullPage – embed the whole scroll-able CultBooking calendar page. You can add a “Book now” button in your website at any place. When the user clicks on this booking button he is linked to the booking engine.
Usage: [CultBooking view=fullPage]

You can see a sample here:


iFrame – embed the calendar only as an iframe.
Usage: [CultBooking view=iFrame]


2. Calendar Type

landingPage – The basic calendar appearance, suitable to use in landing pages.
Usage: [CultBooking calendar=landingPage]

When the user clicks into the check-in date the calendar is opening while overlaying the content of the website.

You can see a sample here:


sellableUnit – a calendar type which shows the availability at the first glance. This version of the calendar is suitable to embed in rooms, holiday homes or apartment pages. The user can see immediately whether the room type that he likes most is available or not.
Usage: [CultBooking calendar=sellableUnit]

You can see a sample here:


3. Room Types

room-type – This parameter is used to display one or multiple sellable units such as rooms, holiday homes, or apartments. Accepted values are either a single unit ID (e.g., “58789”) or a comma-separated list of unit IDs (e.g., “58789,58860”).
Usage: [CultBooking room-type="58789,58860"]

4. Products

product-code – This parameter is used to display one or multiple products such as rates or packages. Accepted values are either a single product code (e.g., “695550”) or a comma-separated list of product codes
Usage: [CultBooking product-code="695550,695550"]

5. Language

lang – This parameter is used to change the language of the booking engine calendar interface. Users can specify the desired language using its corresponding ISO 639-1 language code (e.g., “en” for English, “es” for Spanish).
Usage: [CultBooking lang=de]

6. Top  (spacing)

margin-top –  parameter, accepting an integer value provided by the user (without the need for “px”), determines the vertical positioning, in pixels, of the calendar iframe relative to the top edge of its containing block within the WordPress shortcode.
Usage: [CultBooking margin-top=100] 

7. Height

This parameter, accepting an integer value provided by the user (without the need for “px”), sets the height of the calendar iframe embeded by the WordPress shortcode.

Usage: [CultBooking height=600]