External link
  • A new tab opens with CultBooking link(when clicking on Book Now)
  • Fully responsive and mobile optimized
  • 100% recommended and supported integration
  • Easy and fast to install
Java Script
  • User remains on the hotel’s URL address (no redirection)
  • Fully responsive and mobile optimized
  • 100% recommended and supported integration
  • Medium level development expertise needed
Are Your Skills Up-To-Date For The Future Of Work

Is Your Skillset Ready For The Future Of Work?

Thousands of employees were against remote work for a long time. However, 2020 was a special year to understand the importance of this way of working for business activity, especially in chaotic contexts such as Covid-19. During this year we have seen how work has evolved, and we understood that it is possible to do tasks for the company from home.

The future of work is a topic we all need to know about. Why? Because our skills depend on these trends to be successful. The tech industry will become more and more important, and that is why we have prepared this article for you. Learn what work will be like in the next few years and be prepared for this revolution.

More Robots, Less Physical Effort

Futuristic and apocalyptic movies always try to scare us with the rebellion of robots, as well as the idea that machines will replace humans. Those ideas can be easily regulated, especially when we look at how robotics works in factories. More and more robots are performing repetition and assembly tasks in countries like China and the United States.

The market for industrial robots continues to grow in this decade. A report from Statista says that in 2018 about 422,000 robots were working in different companies, especially in the automotive industry. In South Korea, for example, there are 800 robots for every 10,000 manufacturing employees. These figures are beneficial to increase production, reduce costs, and reduce the chances of accidents for workers.

Work From Anywhere

Globalization is a controversial but very interesting topic. This concept is based on the growing interdependence of the world’s economies and cultures. Globalization is one of the main reasons to support remote work, which was one of the most popular trends during the pandemic. Even though Covid-19 forced us to work at home, in a normal context there would be no obstacle to doing these tasks anywhere in the world.

Can you imagine going on vacation without having to ask for permission in your company? That is something that globalization and remote work enable. In fact, using cloud-based technologies, engines like CultBooking allow you to book a hotel room from anywhere around the world in just a few seconds.

But will companies approve this working method after the coronavirus? Yes. Companies like Facebook or Twitter claim that a high percentage of their new hires will be remote employees. It’s interesting to think about how a company can hire a worker without having to see him face-to-face.

Invisible Large Companies

Did you know that digitization can reduce the construction of physical companies? It seems like a crazy idea, but it is a reality. The projections indicate that e-commerce will have amazing growth for the next few years. This will be an interesting stage for work; imagine going out to look for work in companies that only exist on the Internet.

This situation has existed for years through social networks, websites, and freelance platforms. Now, it is a popular and more efficient trend, especially for the owners of the company, since they will not have expenses in the construction of infrastructure. With digitization, profit numbers can be equal to or even higher than traditional businesses. Are you ready to send your digital resume and do a job interview via video call?

Increase in Contingent Workers 

Covid-19 left several work models that we must analyze to understand what jobs will be like in the future. The pandemic increased the number of contingent workers; that is workers without long-term contracts. This measure is not only beneficial for companies, since their savings increase, but workers can have a much more flexible and less demanding schedule.

A Gartner study says that this trend is due, in the first place, to a cost reduction issue. On the other hand, the next few years will be good for the creation of more jobs, especially on digital platforms. This will be a benefit for those people who have more than one job or who work overtime to increase their income.


Teaming up with the tech industry is the smartest idea if you are a young worker. If you are a university student or are about to choose a career, you should pay attention to the work context: science, digital platforms, and technology are indispensable for the salaries of the future. Do not fear the presence of robots; rather think that you can be the one who builds those machines. That is the best skill for the future of work.

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