External link
  • A new tab opens with CultBooking link(when clicking on Book Now)
  • Fully responsive and mobile optimized
  • 100% recommended and supported integration
  • Easy and fast to install
Java Script
  • User remains on the hotel’s URL address (no redirection)
  • Fully responsive and mobile optimized
  • 100% recommended and supported integration
  • Medium level development expertise needed
Website Speed & Performance Optimization for CultBooking

25 November 2019

It surpised me to see that some websites and booking engines take a very long time to load, in some cases aroung 25 seconds. By this time the user gets bored and he booked the room somewhere else. Google and other sources state that  than 3 or 4 seconds is a reasonable waiting time and user will not notice it.

Therefore I started to care about this part and looked into the details needed to optimize the website speed and performance of the CultBooking Booking Engine and langing page.


So what was the situation when measuring with GTmetrix tool?

previous speed cultbooking

Developers have worked to optimize the following points: leverage browser caching, minify JavaScript, defer parsing of JavaScript, avoid bad requests. Before, there was a fully loading time of 4.8 seconds and this had to be reduced. Also the PageSpeed Score was C and objective was to achieve an A.


Here is end result after working on above points:

website speed optimized for CultBooking (actual)

Now the PageSpeed Score is A with 90% performance, comapared with previous C and only 79% performance. Fully loaded time went down to 3.3 seconds from 4.8 seconds. Also page size has been reduced from 720KB to 507KB. Is nice to see all performance indicators and lines with green and optimized for better user experience.

There were tests made also with other website speed measuring tools like:

Uptrends, is nice to see a load time of 2.0 s and Page score of 100.

uptrends cultbooking speed measuring

Pingdom, also shows a load time of 2.03 s, very close to Uptrends and better than GTmetrix. Performance grade is 76 and there is still some room for improvement. 

pingdom cultboking page speed

Is great to see how the CultBooking technology improves ongoing and to track the previos results with the actual ones. Now is the time to test if by yourself.

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